Free Local On Site Evaluation For Power Regulation Or Backup Power
If you have a business located in Southern California looking for a power regulation or backup power solution, we will dispatch a technician to your location free of charge to evaluate your situation and issue a quote for a complete installed turn key system.
Depending on your situation, our technician may complete one or more of the following tasks free of charge:
1. Measure the electrical load at the time of the visit using a clamp meter, plug in meter, or other tool.
2. Document/photograph/identify types, voltage ratings, and amperage ratings of wall receptacles, breakers, and electrical panels.
3. Document/photograph/identify voltage and amperage ratings as well as plug types of equipment to be placed on regulated power or backup power.
4. Prepare a quote for the proper and compatible power regulation or backup power system including one or more of the following depending on your requirements:
a. All of the components required to meet the electrical load and backup time desired.
b. Installation of the components by a Battery Backup Power, Inc. technician or licensed electrician (if required).
To schedule your free on site evaluation, please contact Battery Backup Power, Inc. at (855) 330-7799,, or by using the chat in the bottom right hand corner of this web page.